Fall Car Care Tips!
The cold weather is on its way! Follow these tips to get your vehicle ready.
As summer heat gives way to cooler days, it’s time to think of your vehicle. Staying on top of your vehicle’s care is one of the best ways to keep your vehicle running smoothly – especially in preparation for the cold months ahead.  

Visit your local repair facility for a Fall Check up. A qualified technician can provide useful tips for spotting potential car trouble and do a thorough check for any potential future issues including:

  • Examine your brake pads and entire brake system for wear
  • Check and replace the engine air filter as needed
  • Inspect cabin air filter(s) and replace as needed
  • Check for leaks
  • Check Engine Lamp and diagnose and repair the cause of any warning lights on the dash
  • Ensure wipers are functioning properly and provide tips on what to look for from a wear perspective
  • Ensure tires are properly inflated. Show you where to find the recommended PSI (reminder - pressure varies with ambient temperature).
  • Check to see if all lights and turn signals are working
  • Check all fluid levels- including oil, coolant, transmission, differential (if applicable) power steering, brake, and windshield washer fluids
  • If you have a vehicle that is rarely driven, make sure to drive the vehicle periodically until it is fully warmed up. Vehicles that sit for long periods of time are susceptible to rusty brake rotors, low or dead battery, condensation in oil and other issues.      

Nothing is more important than your safety and security on the road. Keeping up with your vehicle’s maintenance schedule is not only your best defense against avoidable repairs but also attributed to safe driving – ensure your vehicle is working the way it should before the cold weather arrives.